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Lifting of Restrictions Phase 2

Dear members,

The aim of this document is to provide additional details and guidelines of how to operate Thames Sailing Club, to mitigate risks of Covid-19 contamination whilst providing facilities to its members to enjoy watersports on the Thames. We are moving into our Stage 2 of reopening the club, and these guidelines reflect our considered approach to this. They need to be followed by all to provide comfort that it is safe for our members to use the club.

To be able to come to Thames Sailing Club your obligations are:

  • You are in a healthy state and not considered part of any "high risk" group.
  • You, and all members of your home, do not present any Covid related Symptoms and have not for the past 14 days.
  • You monitor and maintain social distancing from non-family members around you (2m/6ft) we will provide visible guides at key pinch points where we can
  • You disinfect your contact/touch points around the club site. Suitable cleaning materials will be available, but please feel free to bring your own. Please safely dispose of these yourself.
  • Members ensure they are considering not just their own interests, but also the interests of fellow members and the club's premises and equipment
  • All members should be conservative in their approach, now is not the time to push your limits and always be considerate of others.
  • If after visiting the club you fall ill, you must immediately tell the Commodore or another Trustee, so that others can be warned and isolate appropriately.
  • If you are not comfortable or able to follow these guidelines, then please do not come down to the club.
Officer of the Day (OOD)
It is vital that there is someone responsible for opening up the club and closing it. This may be two different people but it must be clear to those at the club who is OOD and follow their direction. This person will put their name on the black board outside of the box so everyone is clear who is in charge.

OOD Duties:
It is essential to open up the club in a defined way so that the changing rooms and club boats can be used safely:

  • Open up the race box. The key is in the key safe next to the light switch inside the first door of the Sail Shed.
  • There will be 4 plastic bowls with a spray bottle and other cleaning materials, they are marked: Gents, Ladies, Race Box and Rescue Boats. These will be placed, and left at the end of the session, in the Race Box .
  • Place the Gents and Ladies bowls next to the 2m line at the bottom of steps to the race box, and wipe down area from where you carried the bowl.
  • Check that there is sufficient soap and water at the wash station.
  • Open the cage door to the changing rooms, and open changing room doors. Wipe down all surfaces that you have come into contact with once done.
  • Open the fuel store and take the appropriate petrol container for the rescue boat that will be used (either Perky or Pinky's). Wipe down each with the cleaning kit marked Rescue boats. Collect rescue boat keys, kill cords, paddle, safety bottle, fire extinguisher, and VHF Radio from the race box, and place in the rescue boat. Unlock the boat's padlock, connect the fuel to engine and start up. Once warmed up, you can switch off the engine.
  • Finally wipe down all equipment and surfaces you have come into contact with including the padlock, safety equipment, fuel, keys, pull cord, etc.
  • All of the above needs to be reversed at the end of the day.
Use of Changing Rooms

The changing rooms are single occupancy, or one family group, and therefore should be considered unisex.

If there is a bowl at the bottom of the steps to the race box, that means that the designated changing room is free for use.The bowls are labelled Gents and Ladies. Please take the bowl with you to the right changing room, observing social distancing.

Once inside the changing room please do the following:
  1. Wipe down surfaces that you will using with disinfectant and paper towel (which will be in the changing room).
  2. Change, or use the toilet. Please note if you are changing you remove all of your kit from the changing room when done, leaving it empty for the next person.
  3. Clean down all of the surfaces that you used prior to leaving, and then take the bowl, used towel (put in Bin outside) and disinfectant with you when you leave. Please observe social distancing as you leave the changing rooms.
  4. Return the bowl to bottom of the steps, wipe down bowl and leave where you initially picked it up and safely dispose of the cleaning materials.
Use of our Club boats: Omegas, Picos, Toppers and Rescue boats
The protocol is simple, clean each boat you use thoroughly. Wipe down all seating surfaces, controls, tiller, steering wheel, throttle, and other touch points you will likely to come in contact with before you use it, and then as you put it away. There will be kits to help this process either in the boats or under the club house.

General Use
It is expected that you will wipe down any surface that you touch before and after use.

There are white lines on the top and bottom of steps to show you where a safe 2m distance is. If someone is already on the stairs, please stand back so that they can finish and move on their way. If you both arrive at the top and bottom of steps please be considerate of others and allow those coming up the steps to do so first.

We will provide a wash down station on the hard next to the water tap. Feel free to use this as often as you like. We will try to provide soap, but also please bring your own soap, just in case ours has been used up.

These guidelines will develop over time so feel free to point out areas that can be improved. The important point here is that we all have to look after each other and maintain our distance so we can all enjoy the club.

Stay safe,

Miles Palmer

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