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Lifting of Restrictions Phase 1

Dear Members,

I am sure that you are as pleased as I am that we are now seeing some lifting of restrictions, albeit in a careful and considered way.I am therefore informing you of our next steps in making the facilities at Thames Sailing Club available for our members.

Before I start however, I would like to inform you that we have postponed our 150 th Celebrations to the August Bank Holiday weekend.Therefore, we are planning on the Pursuit Race being held on Tuesday 25th August and the Thames Sailing Club Regatta on the 29th to 31st August.I hope that we will by that time be able to celebrate in style.

Back to Covid-19, this email should be read in conjunction with the reopening plan v1.1, but I will summarise the key points here:

  • This plan represents the next two phases of re-opening and maybe subject to change, when guidance from Government or governing bodies changes.
  • As of today, we are moving to Phase 1 of re-opening and making plans to move to Phase 2 once we have all of the necessary facilities in place.
  • There are some pre-requisites for you being able to use the club:-
    • You are healthy state and not considered part of any "high risk" group.
    • You and all members of your home do not present any Covid related Symptoms for the past 14 days.
    • You monitor and maintain social distancing from others around you (2m/6ft) we will provide guides at key pinch points.
    • You are able to disinfect your contact/touch points around the club site. Suitable cleaning material will be available, but please feel free to bring your own and dispose of these yourself.
    • You are monitoring the latest advice from the Government and governing bodies
    • Members ensure they are considering not just their own interests, but also the interests of fellow members and the club and must observe social distancing requirements at all times.
    • All members should be conservative in their approach, now it not the time to push your limits and always be considerate of others.
    • If after visiting the club you fall ill, you must immediately tell the Commodore or another Trustee, so that others can be warned and isolate appropriately.
  • Phase 1
    • The use of private boats and paddleboards launching from Thames Sailing Club is encouraged, where the crew is one, or from one household. However, rescue cover will not be provided routinely so therefore please operate well within your limits, ensure you have the right safety equipment, and always be considerate of others.
    • The maintenance of boats in the Sail-Shed is encouraged, however, to provide some organisation and facilitate social distancing we will run a booking system, which can be accessed from the club calendar (more details to follow). This will allow one Merlin and one Rater to be worked on at anyone time.
    • The Club rescue boat can be prepared for use if required and there is a competent helm. Please wipe down all touch points before and after, cleaning materials will be available in the Box.
    • The Key to the box is available in the Key safe in the sail shed.
    Phase 2
  • In addition to Phase 1 activity we will make the following available. This will be done as soon as we can make reasonable practical measures to ensure everyone's safety.
    • Club boats can be booked out for use, note that these must be cleaned before and after use.
    • The Changing rooms will be open for single occupancy, or single household.This means that they will in effect be uni-sex changing rooms, we will of course call them the Ladies and Gents and there will be an indicator of occupancy at the bottom of the steps to the box. Again, all surfaces must be cleaned by you after use.
    • The rescue boat will be on station and we will need duties to be fulfilled by those happy to do so, fulfilling all of the requirements.
  • It is my strong desire to get the club back to full operation as soon as we can whilst able to fulfil the requirements of Government and governing bodies guidelines.We need to do this in a safe way for you and your fellow members.It is vital that we all play our part in making this work. If you have any concerns or ideas please do not hesitate to get in touch with me or any of my fellow trustees.
  • There are a couple of things that need to be done over the weekend, so if you have any spare time, Patrick will direct you to what is required.
  • I recognise that tomorrow is the start of a Bank Holiday weekend and I would like you all to be able to be able to enjoy the club.If we can all demonstrate what is possible and make everyone feel comfortable then progress will be smooth.

Stay safe,

Miles Palmer



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