Detailed Roles and Responsibilities
Club Officers
Commodore - Flag Officer
- Provides and encourages leadership for all club activities
- Chairs the Trustees meetings
- Represents the club at Official functions
- Ensures that the club is run according to its Rules and Constitution
- Chairs, and provides a report at the AGM
Vice Commodore - Flag Officer
- Chairs the monthly Sailing Committee meetings
- Represents the club at Official functions in the absence of the Commodore
- Provides and encourages leadership in the club's sailing activities
- Attends the Trustee meetings providing a report on sailing issues
- Provides a report to the AGM
- Ensure all sailing is run according to the Sailing Rules
- Oversees the production of the Sailing Programme
Rear Commodore Events and Promotion - Flag Officer
- Chairs the House Committee at their monthly meetings
- Represents the Club at Official functions when both the Commodore and Vice Commodore are absent
- Attends the Trustee meetings providing a report on House issues
- Provides a report to the AGM
- Has overall responsibility for the Club premises, cleaning and decoration
- Arranges and oversees the social activities of the club
- Oversees the running of the bar
- Acts as the point of contact for use of the club facilities and car park bookings, and manages the club booking diary
Honorary Secretary
- Is the point of contact for Club correspondence from outside agencies
- Sends official correspondence on behalf of the Club
- Attends the Trustee meetings providing a report
- Produces the agenda for the Trustee meetings
- Takes and distributes minutes of the Trustee meetings
- Sends out notices of the AGM and EGMs to Club members
- Produces the agenda for the AGM
- Takes minutes of the AGM
- Has overall responsibility for membership matters
- Ensures that any disciplinary processes are conducted within the club's rules
- Commissions updates to the Club's Policy Statements and Procedures for Trustee approval
Honorary Treasurer
- Maintains all club accounts to an auditable standard
- Arranges payment of invoices within time
- Raises invoices as required and ensures receipt of payment
- Banks payments received by the club
- Reconciles the bank account with the accounts on a monthly basis
- Monitors the state of club accounts
- Presents a report at Trustee meetings
- Presents the annual accounts at the AGM
- Makes recommendations on subscription rates to the AGM
Key Club Roles
Sailing Secretary
- Reports directly to the Vice Commodore
- Produces the Sailing Programme for the Club sailing activities
- Attends monthly Sailing Committee meetings
- Produces the agenda for Sailing Committee meetings
- Attends RUG meetings and acts as the club's liaison with other river clubs
- Arranges trophies for the Annual Prize-Giving
- Advertises Open Meetings
- Arranges trophies for Open Meetings
- Ensures that Officer of The Day and safety boat duties are covered
- Acts as the point of contact for other sailing clubs on sailing issues
- Maintains results of all club and Open meeting racing
- Publishes results of racing on the Club website
Membership Secretary
- Informs the Trustees of any applications for new members
- Distributes membership and berthing renewal notices
- Receives membership subscriptions and liaises with the Honorary Treasurer to ensure accounts match membership records
- Maintains accurate and up to date membership and contact records for members and non-members in the club's administration system(s)
Bar Secretary
- Reports directly to the Rear Commodore Events and Promotion
- Manages the running of the bar
- Maintains sufficient stock levels
- Maintains hygiene standards within the bar and its equipment
- In conjunction with the Honorary Treasurer, ensures that bar receipts and bar payments are properly accounted for
- Manages the hire and payment of bar staff
House Committee
The Rear Commodore Events and Promotion will appoint members of the Club to fill some roles as required. Such roles may include:
- House Secretary to manage the maintenance and repair of club infrastructure
- Catering Secretary to manage the catering arrangements for regular club meetings and other social occasions, e.g. Tuesday Suppers, Club Events, Parties, etc.
- Social Secretary to manage the Clubs major social activities, e.g. booking of entertainment etc.
- Reports directly to the Vice Commodore
- Organises and manages the storage of boats in the sailing shed and outside mooring allocations
- Liaises with the Membership Secretary on unpaid berthing fees, new additions, etc.
- Maintains sailing shed and its equipment to required standards
- Leads the annual audit of the sailing shed lifting gear
- Attends monthly Sailing Committee Meetings
Coxswain/Bosun (2 roles power and sail)
- Reports directly to the Vice Commodore
- Responsible for the safety, maintenance and correct operation of the club power/sailing boats to the required standard
- Attends monthly Sailing Committee meetings
- Maintains stocks of fuel, and spares to the recommended and necessary levels
Welfare Officer
- Reports directly to the Trustees
- Responsible for supporting the well-being of young and vulnerable members and acts as an interface between those members and Club Officers
- Liaises with external authorities when necessary
- Recommends changes to welfare policy as required
Social Media Secretary
- Reports to the Sailing Secretary
- Responsible for maintaining the appropriate public image of the club on Social Media channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+)
- Posting of activity based posts promoting club activities, sailing and land based activities on a regular basis and liaising appropriately with members of the public through said channels
Merlin/Handicap Captain
- Leads the Merlin and Handicap classes actively engaging and communicating with all participants
- Promotes and encourages the classes, it's owners, helms and crew
- Arranges events, such as training, ad-hoc and publicised home and away club meets, etc.
- Bringing in new members
- Regulation of the Merlin/Handicap class
- Attend monthly Sailing Committee meetings
Rater Captain
- Leads the Rater class actively engaging and communicating with all participants
- Promotes and encourages the class, it's owners, helms and crew
- Arranges events, such as training, ad-hoc and publicised home and away club meets, etc.
- Bringing in new members
- Regulation of the Rater class
- Attend monthly Sailing Committee meetings
Other Trustees
- To act as a trusted advisor to the club
- Attend Trustee meetings
- To actively engage with the club membership
- To be actively engaged and to participate in club activities
- To lead club initiatives at the Flag Officer's discretion