Fulfilling Duties
Duties are an important part of keeping the Club running smoothly and everyone who is a Full, Family (over 18) or Young Adult member is obliged to undertake at least 2-3 duties throughout the year. Undertaking duties at the Club is fair and equitable to all and it's the only way we can provide adequate support to everyone who sails. For the last few seasons a number of races were not adequately supported despite allocations being made and it fell upon many kind-hearted people to sacrifice their own sailing plans to help others out. This, I'm sure you will agree, is something that is not fair on your fellow club members and potentially could have led to safety issues or racing being cancelled, which none of us want to see.
Duty Types
Race Officer: As Race Officer you'll be in charge of setting the course, starting the race and recording results. Full training will be given and an assistant will be allocated to you.
Safety Boat Officer: As a Safety Boat Officer you'll be expected to helm one of our Safety Boats under the instruction of the Race Officer and be responsible for safety and recovery on the water.
Assistant Race and Safety Boat Officer: As Assistant Race and Safety Boat Officer you'll be allocated a duty on the day by the Race Officer dependent upon the needs of the day to either assist in the Race Box or one of the Safety Boats. No experience is required to be one of these.
Annual Allocation Procedure
We have now, starting today, an open period where you can login through the Club website and select 2-3 (or more) duties throughout the year to suit you. During this period duties are available on a first-come-first-served basis. If after this initial period duties remain unallocated they will be allocated to you automatically if you have not fulfilled your 2-3 duty minimum requirement. Therefore it's in your best interest to select suitable duties as soon as possible.
To select your 2-3 (or more) duties please do the following:
1. Login into the Club Website here: http://www.thamessailingclub.co.uk/login - If you've forgotten your password you can request a new password from this screen and a password will be sent to your registered email address. Your username is the email address on which we sent you this email. If you can't get in, then let me know.
2. After logging in click on the 'Duty Roster' link in the right hand menu to go to the Duty Roster page
3. Find the duties and dates that suit you and click the Volunteer button for the ones you want to do - please select at least 2-3 (you can select more!). Allocate your duties with the following order of preference (where available) to ensure the most skilled duty roles are covered first - 1st = Race Officer, 2nd = Safety Boat Officer, 3rd = Assistant Race and Safety Boat Officer
4. Once you've volunteered for a duty it will be removed from the list. In the right hand menu, following the link to the My Duties page you can see the requests you've made. From here you can also manage your duties for the future so remember this part of the page. As there are a lot of duties to fulfil initially you might see a very long page.
- Get your duties locked in as soon as possible to suit your own requirements (holidays, commitments, etc.)
- If you are part of a regular sailing crew then agree with your crew members the dates/races where you can undertake your duties together.
- Swaps can be undertaken if you find at a later date you need to change your plans.
- Check back regularly in the Duty Manager system to ensure you're clear about the duties you'll be performing
Reminders will be sent out in advance of each duty (1 month, 1 week and the day before) so please do not ignore these - if you can't make a commitment then organise a swap or a backup ASAP - please do not leave duties unfulfilled, this is not fair on others.
Please be courteous and helpful by responding to any requests or emails coming from the Duty Manager system or Swap requests coming from fellow club members.
List of Duties
Click here for a list of all of the duties (filled and unfilled)
Contact the Vice Commodore for further information if required.